Physical models of matter
von David L. Bergman und Charles W. Lucas Jr.
Physical models of matter
David L. Bergman – Charles W. Lucas, Jr.
In: Physics as a science. Ed.: G. Galeczki (u.a.), Palm Harbor 1998, S. 45-68.
Kürzere Fassung u.d.T.: „Physical models of elementary particles for elementary particles, atoms and nuclei“ wurde vorgetragen auf der 4. International Conference: „Problems of Space, Time and Motion„, St. Petersburg, Rußland, 23.-29.9.1996.
Common Sense Science
Die Forschungsgruppe G.O. Mueller referiert in der Ergänzung des Kapitels 4 ihrer Dokumentation diese Arbeit von David L. Bergmann und Charles W. Lucas Jr.:
Kritisieren die Annahme punktförmiger Teilchen als Fiktion und als mathematischen Trick, um einfache Gleichungen zu erhalten, die jedoch zu Fehlern und Widersprüchen führen.
„Now in the case of relativity theory, quantum mechanics, and the Dirac theory of the atom, there were some assumptions employed in these theories that were known to be false. The primary one was that all elementary particles are point particles.“ (S. 46)
„But a point particle is a figment of one’s imagination. The small but finite sizes of elementary particles have been determined by measuring the deflection angles of electrons aimed at other charged particles. These electron scattering experiments described by Olson et. al. show that elementary particles have finite size, multiple charges inside, and a somewhat elastic charge distribution.“ (S. 47)
„While points cannot provide a physical mechanism for the exchange of energy between particles, a finite sized object will change size and shape in response to the presence of another object.“ (S.47)
„But the electron, proton, and neutron all have measured amounts of spin (angular momentum) and magnetic moment. These features can only exist because the particles have structure and a finite, non-zero size. So, a self-contradiction in the common theory and a violation of Mach’s Criterion are evident …“ (S. 48)
„The current version of electrodynamics, which is dominant worldwide in the scientific community, is based upon a point like idealization that is embedded in Maxwell’s equations. This idealization has necessitated the invention of special relativity theory in order to describe high speed elecrical phenomena …
Now we describe a proof that the so-called „relativistic“ fields of a fast moving charged elementary particle are due entirely to particle finite size effects.
First, the derivation of Maxwell’s differential equations is reviewed showing where the point particle approximation is employed. This shows that Maxwell’s equations are not as fundamental as the laws of Coulomb, Ampère, and Faraday. From these fundamental laws of electrodynamics and Galilean invariance, the so-called „relativistic“ fields of a charged particle moving at high velocity have been derived by Barnes [A classial foundation for electrodynamics. In: Creation Research Society Quarterly. 14. 1977, June, 38-45] ad Lucas & Lucas [Electrodynamics of real particles versus Maxwell’s Equations, Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics. In: Twin Cities Creation Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1992, S. 243-252]. The derivation takes into account the finite size of the particle, the magnetic field induced by the current of the moving particle, and how this induced magnetic field changes an elastic shape of a charged particle. Furthermore, the so-called „relativistic“ change in mass and decay half-life with velocity are correctly predicted by the same finite size effekt.“ (S. 50).
_ Die hier vorgelegte Leistung von Bergman und Lucas ist gar nicht zu überschätzen: Sie befreit von den „orthodoxen“ Theorien wie der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie und ihren Fiktionen der „punktförmigen Teilchen“ und liefert dadurch die Erklärung der experimentell bestätigten Ergebnisse ohne Abstrusitäten und Widersprüche. – Darüber hinaus beantworten Bergman und Lucas die von den Relativisten in ihren seltenen Dialogen mit den Kritikern wiederholt gestellte Frage: Habt ihr denn eine bessere Theorie? Die hier entwickelte Theorie der nicht-punktförmigen Partikel könnte eine Alternative sein.
- 8. September 2012
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