‚On Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies‘ is Based on Trickeries

von Mohammad Shafiq Khan

‚On Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies‘ is Based on Trickeries
Mohammad Shafiq Khan

In Belgrade Lakes Institute for advanced Research, USA, 2012

The article “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” by Albert Einstein (1905) is based on trickeries. The Voigt transformation was simply a mathematical possibility which was changed by Lorentz by introducing the Lorentz factor but the Lorentz factor is not real;
has been shown in the article Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2012). Thus nature and forces in nature were trivialized and made subservient to mathematics in the theories of relativity, Big Bang Theory, Space-time concept and in all physical sciences which are directly or indirectly based on the ?On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies‘. It is unfortunate for humanity that exposing these trickeries took more than one hundred years.



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