One More Look At Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory

von Vincent W. Carpenter

One More Look At Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory
Vincent W. Carpenter

2013, 20th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, College Park, MD, United States

This paper is based on an analysis of chapters XI and XII in the 15th edition of Einstein’s book, „Relativity, The Special And The General Theory“, published in 1952 , a few years before his death. The first part of it deals with an account of how he derived
the Lorentz space and time equations from a railroad thought experiment and thenused them to derive two more equations giving the magnitudes of space and time shrinkages in a metre rod and a ticking clock when are put into motion. I show that when he applied the Lorentz space equation to the metre rod, he never fully followed through with the procedure that he used to derive its shrinkage equation. And when I complete the procedure for him, it just gives no shrinkage at all in the moving rod! x‘ = 0 ! As for the clock, he wrote that he was going to use both Lorentz equations to get its time slowing equation. I could find no way he could do that and end up with the equation he gives in his book.

The second part of this paper deals with the question of why Einstein was so insistent that relativistic time slowing actually could happen in wind-up clocks when he was never able to give a physical cause for it. I then close the paper with a suggestion for this cause. It is based on Richard Feynman’s relativistic mass increase equation he derived in Volume I of his „Lectures On Physics“.




Eine Antwort zu “One More Look At Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory”

  1. Bernhardt B. Husen


    „…why Einstein was so insistent that relativistic time slowing actually could happen in wind-up clocks when he was never able to give a physical cause for it.“

    Ja, wenn man glaubt die Zeit ist von der mechanischen Uhr bestimmt (oder von der Uhr als solche) hat man schon daneben geschossen… but the physical cause is presented by the Lorentz factor !!! …dieser Lorentz-Faktor ist vom Gesetz der Kausalität streng gefordert und gilt NUR der Zeit und den physischen Dimensionen der Masse ! Um diese Notwendigkeit aber zu erkennen muss man allerdings zur Philosophie greifen, um dabei zu erkennen was Pythagoras uns auch erzählt… Die vom Blitz getroffenen Einsteinschen Züge sollte man nicht zur Erklärung der Zeitverlauf Änderung heranziehen… die haben die gleiche Wirkung wie Rauchbomben und erschweren die klare Sicht zum Kern der Sache: die strikte Einhaltung der Kausalitätsforderung im wirklichen Universum.


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