Collapse of SRT 2: Earth Carries Along Electric and Magnetic Fields
von Sankar Hajra
Collapse of SRT 2: Earth Carries Along Electric and Magnetic Fields
Sankar Hajra
in: Galilean Electrodynamics, 2006, Volume 17, No. 2, pp. 23-28
This paper argues that the results of electro-dynamic experiments performed on the surface of the moving Earth demand that the surface of the moving Earth is exactly similar to free space for our description of electromagnetic phenomena on it. In our opinion, this
clearly implies that in the vicinity of its surface, Earth carries electric and magnetic fields along with it, just like it carries all other physical objects with it. We show in this part of our paper that this simple consideration naturally explains electro-dynamic phenomena as observed on the surface of the moving Earth and leaves no room for special relativity theory in electro-dynamics.
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