The dilemma Fresnel-Einstein. Whether the speed of light dependent by the Earth’s motion in space

von Dimiter G. Stoinov

The dilemma Fresnel-Einstein
Whether the speed of light dependent by the Earth’s motion in space

Open letter from Dimiter G. Stoinov & Dilian G. Stoynov

Subject: A new experiment who will prove that the principle of relativity of Einstein is wrong!

Siehe auch vom Autor in diesem Blog: How to Defeat Relativism

Eine Antwort zu “The dilemma Fresnel-Einstein. Whether the speed of light dependent by the Earth’s motion in space”

  1. Frank Wappler

    D. G. Stoinov & D. G. Stoynov wrote (

    > A new experiment […] The principle scheme of this experimental set-up is shown in Fig.

    > […] the optical shutter 3
    > […] second optical shutter 12

    > […] if the optical shutter works at a frequency 6 * 10^8 Hz as used in [[references] 6, 7 ]

    Is it relevant to the presented set-up scheme that both indicated „optical shutters„, „3and12„, work at equal and constant frequency (such as both at frequency value „6 * 10^8 Hz„) ?

    If so, how should be determined whether (or to which accuracy) these two indicated „optical shutters“ had been working at equal and constant frequency, in the course of one experimental trial (i.e. „in the course of the day and year„) ?

    Is there any provision in the proposed experimental set-up to make this determination?

    Also: in Fig. 1 there are lines drawn between (parts of) „3 and 12 – optical shutter“ and „17 – generator„. What ist the meaning (or set-up prescription) of these lines?

    Two observations presumably related to spelling:

    (1): spelling of „Fizo“ in the article text vs. in reference „[2] H. Fizeau„.

    (2): name of the (secondly named) author in the article header vs. in reference „[5] D. G. Stoinov, D. D. Stoynov„.

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